Jingshan Village


Jingshan Village (径山) was the place where Lu Yu wrote "The Classic of Tea". Nowadays, Jingshan Village has centered around the Zen tea culture and carried out a variety of folk cultural activities to promote its rural leisure tourism.

The Zen spirit of Jingshan Village is not limited to the temple and the tea, but pervades every corner of the village as well. Through the implementation of the “Beautiful Environment + Project” theory, bamboo, wood, stones and other local materials, as the nostalgic memories of rural landscapes and lifestyles, are incorporated into landscape accessories, adding a touch of a unique Zen tea charm, creating the unique Ten Scenes of Zen Village.

Through holding colorful cultural and tourism activities such as the China Chasheng (Sage of Tea) Festival, the Tea Ancestor Memorial Ceremony, the Jingshan Tea Party, the Zen Village Tea Tasting Festival, etc., the Cultural IP of Jingshan Village, “Jing Ling Zi (径灵子)”, gradually gained popularity. The cultural IP was creatively designed with the elements of “Jingshan, being the origin of the Japanese tea ceremony and the place where Lu Yu compiled the Classic of Tea”. The newly-built Jing Ling Zi Paradise with Jingshan Temple Scenic Area as the core has attracted many tourists, driven the development of the agritainment (agriculture and entertainment) and guesthouse industries in the village, and has become a new industry for Jingshan people to achieve prosperity.

"A group of Jingshan tea boutique teahouses with distinctive characteristics and rich cultural connotations have been created to highlight the village atmosphere of 'Fragrance of Zen Tea’." The relevant person in charge of Jingshan Village said, "At the same time, an online trading platform for Jingshan tea products has been established. According to the cooperation models with enterprises, cooperatives, and farmers, functions such as consultation, interaction, product exhibition and sales have been realized, which has greatly improved the development level of the Jingshan tea industry, increased villagers' financial income, and helped villagers' income to increase significantly."

In recent years, Jingshan Village has continuously improved the operation mode of rural industries by taking advantage of its great ecological environment and the opportunity of “Future Village” Construction. It has incorporated the Zen tea culture to open up the entire tea industry chain, and focused on promoting the integration of culture and tourism, forming an all-in-one multi-dimensional development model of production, learning, study and tourism. In the future, Jingshan Village will further expand the development channels of the tea industry, strengthen brand promotion, tap the influence of tea culture, integrate the promotion of tea culture with industrial development, empower rural revitalization, and strive for common prosperity.

Recommended attractions: Jingshan Mountain (径山), Jingshan Temple (径山寺), Jiulong Waterfall (九龙爆), Ancient Bridge, Wufeng Mountain House, Xinwuchen Tea Room 

Address: Jingshan Village, Jingshan Town, Yuhang District (余杭区径山镇径山村)