Xinye Village


As one of the most well-preserved ancient consanguineous settlement buildings in Zhejiang Province, Xinye Village (新叶村) is known as "the open-air museum of the Ming and Qing-style architecture” and "a model of Chinese vernacular architecture", and it’s "the most beautiful ancient village in China” and the "Yangtze River Delta Leisure Agriculture and Rural Tourism Recommended Attraction".

Xinye Village was built in the 12th year of Jiading in the Southern Song Dynasty. Because the village is dominated by Yuhua Mountain behind the village, the descendants of Xinye Village are known as the Yuhua Ye Family. Since the first generation of the Yuhua Ye Family settled here, it has survived the Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasties, and the Republic of China era to the present day, making it nearly 800 years old.

Ancient temples, ancient pagodas, ancient ancestral halls, and ancient alleys are connected with ancient dwellings. At a glance, the entire group of buildings in Xinye Village is undulating and well-arranged.

In the distance, there are undulating mountains and up close, there are white walls and black tiles. Walking into this ancient village built in the Southern Song Dynasty is like going upstream along the long river of history, walking from a forest of modern residential buildings to a commercial street of the Republic of China era; Farther down the alleyways, old buildings come into view, clustered in groups.

Recommended attractions: Xishan Ancestral Hall (西山祠堂), Wenchang Pavilion (文昌阁), Zuixianju (醉仙居), Youxu Hall (有序堂) and Shuangmei Hall (双美堂)

Recommended food: Xinye Water Rice Cake (新叶水米糕), Xinye Eight Big Bowls (新叶八大碗)

Festivals and events: Xinye Shaiqiu Festival, Xinye San Yue San (the third day of the third lunar month) Festival

Address: Xinye Village, Daciyan Town, Jiande City (建德市大慈岩镇新叶村)

Telephone: +86 571 64169668