Meirong Village


Based on the unique landscape of clear water and verdant mountains as well as pastoral scenery, Meirong Village (梅蓉村) creates the New Ten Scenes of Meizhou and has become the “golden left bank” of the Tonglu section of the Fuchun River where art leads, agriculture and tourism combine, and talents gather.

Meirong Village is a time-honored ancient village with mountains, water, history and stories. Relying on the natural scenery of "Plumb Blossom Island", it has attracted many literati to come, who have left behind countless well-known poems and essays.

The village faces the long Fuchun River and backs onto high mountains. It was formerly known as Jiulizhou (九里洲), commonly known as Zhoushang (洲上) and was elegantly called Meihuazhou (梅花洲), which literally means Plum Blossom Island. 

Recommended attractions: Metasequoia Avenue, Guohouwang Temple (郭侯王庙), Luojia Mansion (罗家大屋)

Festival experience: Waxberry Festival

Nearby hotels: Sujinyuan (素锦园)

Address: Meirong Village, Tongjun Street, Tonglu County (桐庐县桐君街道梅蓉村)

Telephone: +86 571 64619031