Waitongwu Village


With the focus on creating a new model of "party building + art", the general party branch of Waitongwu Village (外桐坞村), relying on the resources of "West Lake Longjing Green Tea + China Academy of Art", vigorously develops the tea industry and art industry, and strives to create "the First Village of Jiangnan Art Tourism” with "good ecology, prosperous industry, and happy life”.

In Waitongwu Village, the villagers share their houses with the artists and live in harmony with them, and in doing so, have given birth to a variety of cultural and creative industries, such as traditional Chinese painting, oil painting, sculpture, pottery, music and potted plants. Waitongwu Village is thus called "Tongwu, Out of a Painting".

Waitongwu Village not only has tea culture, art culture, and traditional Chinese culture, but also is home to red culture education bases, various cultural and creative industries, and featured guesthouses, demonstrating a different style.

Recommended attractions: Zhu De Memorial Room (朱德纪念室), "Show Space" Life Aesthetics Hall (「秀空间」生活美学馆), Luofu Tuying FAUTU Cafe (珞浮屠璎FAUTU咖啡馆), “Line Drawing” Guesthouse (白描), Zhenwei Tea Cafe (臻味茶餐厅)

Address: Tongwu Village, Zhuantang Street, Xihu District (西湖区转塘街道外桐坞村)

Telephone: +86 18805813673