Xiajiang Village


Under the symbiotic mechanism of strictly adhering to ecological protection and promoting the green economy, Xiajiang Village (下姜村) takes "original mountains", "raw water" and "original villages” as its foundation to further promote the new model of integration of agriculture and tourism. It has put into operation many innovative agricultural parks like Xiajiang Linxia Traditional Chinese Medicine Herbs, Fenglin’gang Quality Fruit Base and Yuantang Kiwi Fruit Garden. It has carried out 13 municipal ecological restoration village projects. In the process of restoration, it has held the ecological protection red line, controlled the upper limit of resource utilization and the bottom line of environmental quality, promoted the organic integration of primary, secondary and tertiary industries, and turned ecological advantages into economic advantages and green mountains into gold and silver mountains. 

What to do: Experience the traditional craftsmanship of Xiajiang Village at the bamboo craftsman's shop, blacksmith's shop and stone painting community, and savor Xiajiang Village specialties at farm-flavored restaurants such as Fengjiang Rice Wine and Duck Stewed with Bamboo Shoots.

Address: Xiajiang Village, Fengshuling Town, Chun'an County (淳安县枫树岭下姜村)

Telephone: +86 571 64986498