Dahua Shuchang

Hangzhou Dahua Shuchang is the only professional Pingtan theatre in Hangzhou. It was founded in 1952 at No. 17, Jishanfang Lane. During the Spring Festival of 1954, the theatre was officially opened. After several relocations or reconstructions, the performance was often interrupted, several times to restore or move elsewhere, experiencing an extraordinary development road. In the early 1960s, when Dahua theatre was in its heyday, actors and celebrities gathered together. The central government leader, Chen Yun, also visited the theater in 1962 to listen to books. In recent years, the theater has been renovated, and in close cooperation with new media resources, extensive publicity, to expand the impact. While ensuring the daily Pingtan performance and the evening crosstalk performance, the bold introduction of Pingshu, magic, talk show, Yue Opera, opera sharing sessions, the southern Song Garden Party and other forms. All kinds of performances take turns to perform, and audience groups overlap. Internet ticket sales and media promotion have attracted a large number of young audiences and tourists. Some of the performances are hard to get and have gradually become a beautiful scene in Hangzhou's cultural night economy.

Address: 48 Qingnian Road, Shangcheng District, Hangzhou

Telephone: +86 571 86839218