There are three causeways in West Lake, Su Causeway (苏堤), Bai Causeway (白堤) and Yanggong Causeway (杨公堤). Their construction was started by Su Dongpo (苏东坡), Bai Juyi (白居易), and Yang Mengying (杨孟瑛) respectively.
Yanggong Causeway is situated in the west of West Lake. In 1503, in order to dredge West Lake, the then Hangzhou Governor, Yang Mengying, overcame all kinds of difficulties and started the project. The project took five years to complete. Hangzhou citizens felt grateful for what he had done and named the causeway after him.
The present Yanggong Causeway starts from Lingyin Road (灵隐路) in the north and connects Hupao Road (虎跑路) in the south. Along the causeway, there are a lot of famous scenic spots like Breeze-ruffled Lotus at Winding Garden, Gold Sand Harbor (金沙港), Maojiabu Scenic Area (茅家埠风景区), Viewing Fish at Flowery Pond. A stroll along the Yanggong Causeway is definitely a pleasure.
Opening Hours: All day
Address: West Lake Scenic Area