Qiandao Lake (Thousand-Islet Lake)

Qiandao Lake (Thousand-Islet Lake)

What is marvelous about Qiandao Lake (Thousand-Islet Lake) is the crystal-clear water and the 1,078 islets scattering in the lake for which it was named for. Located in Chun’an County, Qiandao Lake is two-hour drive from downtown Hangzhou. It’s the largest man-made lake in east China. There used to be a village with people living in right where the lake is now. After the construction of the huge dam of Xin’an River Hydropower Station, the former village was flooded and villagers were evacuated. Those islets now in the lake were actually mountains. Now the site of the village still rest underwater, well-preserved.

The water from Qiandao Lake Lake is drinkable and used as the water source of Chinese Notable mineral water brand- Nongfu Spring (农夫山泉). Among the 1,078 islets, more appealing ones are such islets as Yueguang (月光Moonlight) Islet, Shenlong (神龙Saint Dragon) Islet, Longshan (龙山Dragon Hill) Islet and Meifeng (梅峰 Mume Peak) Islet which is said to be the vantage point to have a panoramic view of Qiandao Lake Lake.

Address: Menggu Road, Chun'an County

Telephone: +86 571 64816244